Symposium Dinner & Awards

The Symposium Dinner will take place on the evening of Wednesday 26th March. Tickets are available here and cost £60+VAT per head. This includes a 3-course meal with red and white wine at the table. There will be a Drinks Reception at 18:15 and guests will be invited to sit down for dinner at 19:15. AILU Awards will be presented after the meal (see below).

Banqueting Menu

  • Chicken liver parfait, red chard & watercress salad, red onion jam, toasted sourdough shards
  • 12hr Braised shin of beef, red wine & onion jus, horseradish mashed potato, baked root vegetables
  • Sticky toffee pudding, toffee sauce & vanilla ice cream
  • Tea/Coffee

Vegetarian Option

  • Beef tomato, soused red onion & mozzarella salad
  • Pumpkin and sage tortellini, toasted pumpkin seeds, hard cheese shavings, crispy sage & onion dressing

Other dietary requirements will be catered for. Please inform us of any allergies or dietary requirements on booking. Please note that if you have requested the vegetarian option this cannot be changed on the day.


  • Red: 7 Fires Malbec
  • White: Canyon Road Pinot Grigio


At each ILAS event, AILU presents prestigious and highly valued awards to selected individuals who have gone through the nomination and selection procedure.

  1. AILU FELLOWSHIP AWARD. This award recognises an individual AILU member who has made an outstanding lifetime contribution to the industrial use of lasers.
  2. AILU INNOVATION AWARD. This will be presented to an individual or an organisation (from academia or from industry) that has developed a new method, application, device or product that has enabled a significant advance in laser or applications technology.
  3. AILU RISING STAR AWARD. This award is designed to help encourage people in the early stages of their career to develop their interests in laser technology and applications. The award is presented to an individual for a significant piece of work, which has led to real or potential economic gain for the parent organisation and that preferably has wider benefit for the industrial laser use community.
  4. AILU LASER TRANSITION AWARD (new for 2025). This will be presented to and individual, team or organisation that has successfully navigated the transition from traditional manufacturing techniques to laser material processing.

You can see previous award winners on the AILU website here.